Together with Employees

We work to create a lively workplace where our employees can apply their skills.

Overview of Human Capital Management

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)

The Nichiban Group actively promotes Diversity & Inclusion (D&I), the concept of respect for a wide variety of lifestyles and values as well as embracing differences in nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, and other attributes.
We believe it is important for all our employees to express their diverse individualities and cooperate with and enhance each other to create new values. This leads to both their personal growth and sustainable enhancement of the Nichiban Group’s value.
We will continue to promote D&I based on the Nichiban Group Philosophy, aiming to achieve the innovation that is created by diversity and a globally dynamic group.

Promotion of Women’s Participation

Nichiban has formulated its Second Action Plan (spanning April 1, 2019 - April 1, 2024) to narrow the gap in the ratio of male and female managers, and we are pressing forward with initiatives to address this issue.
To achieve diversity and promote women’s participation, we have developed and implemented training programs and measures that enable all employees to change their mindset and work styles. As of April 2023, Nichiban achieved the target of 10% female managers set in the Second Action Plan ahead of schedule. We are striving to support diverse work styles by introducing staggered work schedules and work from home programs from fiscal 2022 (Nichiban non-consolidated).
We will continue to aim for a workplace where everyone can participate regardless of gender.

Promotion of Male Employees Childcare Leave

We are promoting the use of childcare leave for male employees in response to the expansion of the childcare leave system in accordance with the revision of the Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members as well as to assistance for balancing work and childcare for both men and women. In fiscal 2022, we established a consultation service and held internal briefing sessions, and the ratio of male employees taking childcare leave reached 66.7% (non-consolidated).
We will continue to create an environment in which employees can flexibly take childcare leave and that encourages male employees to participate in childcare.

Initiatives for Employment and Support of People with Disabilities

Nichiban is committed to creating a workplace that grows together with people with disabilities. The Tape Anjo Factory publishes the “Step Newspaper,” which includes job descriptions and workplace information, to promote communication with the families of people with disabilities. We also endeavor to create an environment in which people with disabilities can work in a fulfilling manner.

Promoting Understanding of LGBTQ and Related Issues

The Nichiban Group considers Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) to be one of the most important elements of human capital management and is committed to creating an environment in which diverse employees can actively participate. As part of these initiatives, we will promote diversity training and other initiatives to increase understanding of LGBTQ and related issues, with the aim of creating a work environment in which all individuals can work as their authentic selves with enthusiasm.

Human Resource Development

The Nichiban Group recognizes that its people are the most powerful driving force of corporate activities as well as being vital human capital and stakeholders.
In a rapidly changing business environment, we believe for Nichiban to continue to grow and contribute to a sustainable society, we need leaders of the next generation and human resources who can express their diverse abilities to the fullest.
What we seek from our human resources is the embodiment of the five Action Guidelines (Society, Customers, Challenge, Speed, Teamwork) set forth in the Nichiban Group Philosophy and become self-driven individuals who ambitiously explore new fields and grow through self-improvement to resolve various issues.
We aim to develop self-directed human resources who embody our Action Guidelines, so that people and the Nichiban Group can grow together.

Human Resource Investment and Training System

We provide education and training programs that aim to develop human assets with expertise, creativity, and a willingness to take on challenges in uncharted fields.

Human Resource Retention

We have systems, training, and programs to support career development. We run a Career Plan Sheet Program once a year for all employees. Employees can communicate their ambitions to Nichiban, such as the job or department they aspire to join the future and what they are working on to achieve this goal.
We also provide Career Design Training for employees who are approaching the retirement age for their current positions. This training helps employees understand what it takes to continue to be active and contribute in the workplace and strengthens their mindset and actions to take on further challenges. Many employees extend their employment after reaching retirement age and continue to play an active role.
Additionally, for new employees and mid-career hires, we have a “Trainer Program” under which senior employees and managers working in the same workplace act as trainers to help them adjust smoothly to the workplace and demonstrate their abilities. These trainers accompanying them toward the goals set in their OJT plans and review their progress every other month. Nichiban also provides regular opportunities to meet with representatives of the Human Resources Department.
Other programs include financial support for distance learning and incentives to acquire qualifications.

Global Human Resources

We are developing global human resources as part of the expansion of our global business. In addition to subsidizing correspondence courses and language proficiency tests, we are also working to enhance our employees’ abilities to be active on the world stage through friendly rivalry via openly recruited training programs.

Health and Engagement

The Nichiban Group believes the foremost foundation for realizing its Philosophy is to improve the work-life balance of its employees, promote their health and engagement, and ensure their safety. The Nichiban Group will promote the establishment of a workplace environment where employees can work with peace of mind and vitality.

Work-life Balance

As part of our initiatives to promote work-life balance for its employees, Nichiban offers a variety of vacation and leave programs in addition to the legally mandated annual paid leave.
We provide refreshment leave for every 10 years of service and volunteer leave for social contribution activities. This is in addition to sick leave for personal injury and illness, childcare leave and shorter working hours for childcare, and nursing care leave and leave for nursing care for family members.
Nichiban has also introduced a staggered work schedule and work from home program to improve the work-life balance of its employees.

Health and Productivity Management

We formulated the Nichiban Group Health and Productivity Management Policy in 2022 based on the recognition that the health of our employees leads to the realization of “prosperity and happiness for all stakeholders” as stated in the Nichiban Group Philosophy. We have established a health and productivity management promotion system headed by the Chair of the Sustainability Committee and are working on issues based on the Action Guidelines.
We are also proud to note that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in its efforts to promote health and productivity management has recognized Nichiban as an organization selected under the large enterprise category of the 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program in Japan.

Four Action Guidelines for Health and Productivity Management

  1. 1.
    Prevention of occurrence and severity of diseases such as lifestyle-related diseases
  2. 2.
    Prevention of stress-related diseases such as mental health problems
  3. 3.
    Enhancement of health awareness
  4. 4.
    Establishment of an environment that promotes health and productivity management

Prevention of Occurrence and Severity of Diseases such as Lifestyle-Related Diseases

In addition to encouraging all employees to undergo regular health checkups, we conduct specific health checkups and health guidance with the aim of reducing the population of employees diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and those predisposed. We have created an environment in which employees who need health guidance can actively receive the health guidance programs selected by the Nichiban Health Insurance Society and strongly encourage their participation, which has been increasing.

Prevention of Stress-related Diseases Such as Mental Health Problems

We conduct a stress check test once a year for all employees. The results help employees recognize and address with their own mental and physical condition, thereby reducing the risk of mental health issues.
The test results are analyzed in the aggregate to improve the work environment and prevent mental health issues. In addition, ongoing training is provided to separate target groups regarding four types of mental health care, including self-care and line care.

Occupational Health and Safety

Nichiban and its labor unions share the status of employee attendance, operation of sales vehicles, and other information at monthly Occupational Health and Safety Committee and Health Committee meetings. In addition, the Central Health and Safety Committee meets twice a year to promote information sharing throughout Nichiban.

Dialogue with Labor Unions

Nichiban provides various opportunities for dialogue with its labor union, including biannual Central Management Roundtable Meetings and monthly Central Labor Council Meetings. These are forums to share management strategies and discuss improvements in labor conditions and work styles, in an effort to promote mutual understanding and maintain and improve sound labor-management relations. Nichiban employs a union shop system*.

  • *
    Collective bargaining agreements that require workers to become members of a specific labor union when they are employed by a company.


Communication with Employees (Engagement)

To improve employee engagement, we conduct an annual survey and implement measures to boost engagement based on the results of the survey.
In fiscal 2022, a project team consisting of younger employees within the Nichiban Group conducted activities to revitalize communication among employee levels (vertical) and departments (horizontal) through engagement training and interactions among business sites.

Stakeholder Engagement

The Nichiban Group believes in the importance of daily communication through various means not only with the customers who purchase our products, but also with our many stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, investors, suppliers, and citizens in the local communities where it operates. To continuously improve our corporate value, we will actively use the feedback we receive to promote the sustainability of the Nichiban Group.

Respect for Human Rights

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